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Background Image for Header: Woodburn Hall blurred


These are the patterns available in the Super Theme. To use them type the name of the pattern into one of 10 "slots" on in each page's properties. 

*When using the "Backpage" template, slots 1-3 display above the default backpage content area, and slots 4-10 display below.

Standard Patterns

There is also a slot_00_masthead and a slot_00_nav slot in the site settings where you define your masthead and nav.

Default Content

There are also default_content_01, default_content_02, and default_content_03 slots in the site settings, where you can define patterns that will show at the bottom of each page. Patterns that can be used in these slots have a --sitewide suffix e.g. action-hero--sitewide.

Anywhere Patterns

Some patterns may be used within editable regions. They have --anywhere modifiers e.g. featurettes--anywhere. Do not use any pattern other than an --anywhere pattern, else your page will blow up and you will need to re-create it.